Title: Radhe Krishnn Art by: Nibid Atreya
Oil on Cloth Canvas
Size: 3 ft - 2 ft
Painted: 10/1/'13 - 15/1/'13
Type: Abstract Painting
From the Artist: I painted this with Camel Oil Colour as the Artist Acrylic Oil Colour was a bit too costly for me to afford with my own savings of pocket money. This is one of my most favorite paintings and it teaches that there is peace in both music and love...
Title: Devotion
Art by :Nibid Atreya
Painted: 15/1/'14
Abstract and Still Life Composition.
From the Artist: Religion gives us Peace. Through this painting I intend to depict the sense of harmony, religion brings to the materialistic life of man...
Title: Devotion
Art by :Nibid Atreya
Alkaid on Paper Canvas
Size: Normal Portrait Sized Art PaperPainted: 15/1/'14
Abstract and Still Life Composition.
From the Artist: Religion gives us Peace. Through this painting I intend to depict the sense of harmony, religion brings to the materialistic life of man...
An art is a mirror if life.modern life style